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Academic Professionals, § 18b AufenthG


All information on academic skilled worker immigration to Germany

Here you learn ...

  • what the difference is between § 18b AufenthG and the EU Blue Card

  • when you need an Anabin recognition or a certificate evaluation

  • how to use the Anabin database

  • how the certificate evaluation works for academic professionals



Reading Time

9 minutes

Release Date

January 2, 2025


Table of Content

1. General information on Section 18b of the Residence Act

2. Recognition and Anabin

2.1 Categories in the Anabin database

2.2 Step-by-step instructions for using Anabin:

2.3 Practical tips for Anabin research

3. Certificate evaluation

4. Further requirements for academic skilled worker immigration

5. FAQ (Academic Skilled Immigration)


1. General information on Section 18b of the Residence Act

Academic skilled immigration pursuant to Section 18b of the Residence Act opens the way to Germany for highly qualified skilled workers from abroad. A recognized or equivalent university degree is required. Recognition can be obtained via the Anabin database or through a certificate evaluation by the ZAB .

In contrast to the Blue Card (Section 18g of the Residence Act), “normal” skilled worker immigration pursuant to Section 18b of the Residence Act is particularly relevant in the following cases:

  • The skilled worker's salary is not sufficient for a Blue Card. In this case, Section 18b of the Residence Act can be issued.

  • There is no “qualification connection” (i.e. the connection between training and activity). In these cases, Section 18b of the Residence Act can also be issued, since Section 18b of the Residence Act, unlike the Blue Card, does not require a qualification connection.

  • There are grounds for refusal for the EU Blue Card that do not apply to Section 18b of the Residence Act (e.g. in the case of previous holder of Section 24 of the Residence Act (Ukraine)).

In practice, the first and second cases are particularly relevant. In particular, the granting of a residence permit to academic professionals with a salary that is not sufficient for the EU Blue Card is comparatively common.

In this article you will learn under which conditions the residence permit for academic professionals can be issued in accordance with Section 18b of the Residence Act .

2. Recognition and Anabin

A central component of the assessment of the requirements for an academic skilled worker title in accordance with Section 18b of the Residence Act is the recognition of the degree . Only with a recognized degree can foreign skilled workers meet the legal requirements for a residence permit and take up employment. For the immigration of academic skilled workers (Sections 18b, 18g of the Residence Act), the foreign university degree must either:

  • be equivalent to a German degree,

  • be considered recognized, or

  • be explicitly evaluated through a procedure.

These requirements are regulated by law in Section 18 Paragraph 2 No. 4 of the Residence Act .


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Without this confirmation, it is not possible to issue a residence permit for academic professionals.

The Anabin database is the central directory for checking the recognition of foreign university degrees. It contains information about universities and degrees worldwide and is managed by the Central Office for Foreign Education and the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany (KMK) . Access to the database is free of charge and is used as a standard tool, particularly by employers, authorities and specialists.

2.1 Categories in the Anabin database

The Anabin database distinguishes three main areas:

  1. Institutions (universities) : Here we check whether a foreign university is recognized.

  2. Qualifications : Here we check whether a specific qualification meets or is equivalent to German standards.

  3. Type of degree : This checks whether the type of degree (e.g. Bachelor or Master) is recognized.

2.2 Step-by-step instructions for using Anabin

a) Search for the university:

The search for universities at Anabin is carried out as follows:

  • Select the “Institutions” category in the left sidebar.

  • Enter the name of the foreign university (if necessary in Latin letters or a translation) in the search function.

  • Start the search and click on the appropriate university in the results list.

  • Check the “status” of the university:

    • “H+”: The university is recognized.

    • “H-“: The university is not recognized.

    • “H+/–”: The university is conditionally recognized, which requires further examinations.

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b) Search for the conclusion:

The search for degrees at Anabin works as follows:

  • Go to the “College Degrees” category.

  • Enter the exact degree name (Bachelor, Master, etc.).

  • Select the relevant degree from the results.

  • Check the “Rating”:

    • “equivalent”: The qualification is equivalent and recognized.

    • “conditionally comparable”: The qualification is not automatically recognized and requires additional verification.

    • “not comparable”: The qualification does not meet the requirements for recognition.

2.3 Practical tips for Anabin research

The Anabin database can be complicated and confusing at times. The following tips will help you use the Anabin database successfully:

  1. Careful input: The Anabin database is not always intuitive. It is important to enter the names of the universities and degrees exactly.

  2. Check translations: Degrees or university names in other writing systems, such as Cyrillic or Arabic, often need to be translated or transcribed.

  3. Status interpretation: An “H+” from the university and “corresponds” at the degree is the ideal case. Otherwise, further steps, such as a certificate evaluation, may be necessary.

  4. Challenges with “exotic” qualifications: Qualifications from countries with less well-known education systems or from non-listed universities can be more difficult to evaluate. In this case, it is advisable to work with a specialist or specialized advisory center.

3. Certificate evaluation

If the degree cannot be found in Anabin, a so-called certificate evaluation must be carried out . The certificate evaluation is an essential step if a foreign university degree cannot be directly recognized in Germany. It is also carried out by the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB) and serves as official proof of the equivalence of a degree with a German university degree. Without certificate recognition, a residence permit cannot be issued to academic professionals in accordance with Section 18b of the Residence Act if the degree is not entered in the Anabin database. If there is no (or unclear) Anabin entry, the certificate evaluation must be carried out.

The certificate evaluation at the ZAB works as follows (step-by-step instructions):

Step 1: Prepare documents:

The documents required for the certificate evaluation can usually be found on the ZAB homepage (separately for each country) (see the ZAB document list for certificate evaluation in the so-called “pre-check” ). As a rule, at least the following documents are required for the certificate evaluation:

  • Graduation certificate (if necessary with certified translation).

  • Proof of study (e.g. transcript of records, diploma supplement).

  • Proof of study content (curriculum or module descriptions),

  • Proof of credited achievements (if required),

  • school leaving certificate,

  • identification document (e.g. passport),

  • employment contract.

Step 2: Submit an application:

  • Fill out the application online on the ZAB website or

  • Upload documents electronically or submit them by mail.

Step 3: Pay fees:

  • The costs for the certificate evaluation amount to 200 euros (as of 2024).

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Step 4: Wait for processing time:

  • The processing time is usually 30 to 90 days.

  • For certain procedures, such as the EU Blue Card, accelerated processing of 10 working days may be possible.

Step 5: Receive certificate evaluation:

4. Further requirements for academic skilled worker immigration

If the specialist's qualification is recognized by Anabin (or a corresponding certificate assessment has been carried out), the visa can usually be applied for provided the other requirements for issuing the visa are met. This applies in particular to the level of salary and the passport requirement . We have published a special VISAGUARD guide on the other requirements for an academic specialist title . If in doubt, one of the VISAGUARD lawyers can also advise you on this.


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Our cooperating lawyers for visa and residence issues will answer all your questions in a video call. Of course, our independent experts are also happy to support you in residence procedures before embassies, immigration authorities and administrative courts in Germany.


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5. FAQ

What is academic skilled immigration according to Section 18b of the Residence Act?

Academic skilled worker immigration enables highly qualified specialists with a recognized university degree from abroad to gain legal access to the German labor market. The prerequisite is a degree that is comparable to a German university degree.

What is the Anabin database?

The Anabin database is an online tool for checking the recognition of foreign university degrees. It shows whether a university is recognized ("H+" status) and whether a degree meets German standards. The Anabin database can be viewed via this link .

How do I check a university degree in the Anabin database?

The verification of recognition in the Anabin database takes place as follows:

  • Search for a university: Use the “Institutions” category to check whether the university has the status “H+”.

  • Check qualification: Enter the qualification in the “University Degrees” category and check the rating (“equivalent”).

What does the “H+” status mean in the Anabin database?

The “H+” status shows that the university is recognized in Germany. Without this status, recognition of a degree is generally not possible.

What is a certificate evaluation?

The certificate evaluation is official proof that a foreign university degree is comparable to a German degree. It is issued by the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB).

What are the costs for the certificate evaluation?

The cost of the certificate evaluation is currently 200 euros. Additional fees may apply if documents need to be translated or certified.

Can I work in Germany even if I have a non-recognized degree?

If your degree is not recognized and cannot be recognized through a certificate evaluation, immigration to Germany will be difficult. In this case, each case must be examined on an individual basis. One of the VISAGUARD lawyers will be happy to advise you on this.

Further Information

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