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Work Visa


Apply for a work visa for Germany (Guide 2024)

Here you will find all the relevant information on applying for a work visa, an EU Blue Card, a settlement permit (including a European settlement permit), expat law (employment law for foreigners) and the

job-searching visa. 


The information includes in particular:


  • Requirements for work visas, EU Blue Card, settlement permits (skilled workers), job-searching visas

  • Necessary documents for work visa, EU Blue Card, settlement permit (skilled workers), job-searching visa

  • Application process, processing time and deadline for work visas, EU Blue Card, settlement permits (skilled workers), job-searching visas

Migration & Employment Germany (2024)


Our areas of expertise in labor migration law

Find out how to apply for a work visa in Germany.


Permanent Residency

How to apply for a permanent residence permit for skilled workers.


Find out how to apply for a job-searching visa for Germany.

Image by Lucas George Wendt

Step-by-step guide to applying for a work visa in Germany.

Image by Tim Graf

All important information on the EU Blue Card for skilled employees.

Image by Markus Spiske

A special labor law (labor migration law) applies to foreigners.


All information on applying for a freelancer visa.

Image by Toa Heftiba

Lawful employment contract with a German company

1.1 Was ist ein Au-Pair?

The most important requirement for applying for a Blue Card is a legal employment contract with a German company. The employment contract must be lawful, i.e. in particular it must not violate employee protection regulations or residence laws (e.g. with regard to salary (AufenthG), compliance with working hours (ArbZG) or the granting of minimum vacation (BUrlG)). 
Furthermore, the employment contract must be concluded with a German company. The company must therefore be based in Germany (so-called local employment relationship). Employment with a foreign company is not possible as long as this company does not have a branch in Germany. Whether the company is a German employer can be checked in the German commercial register.

1.2 Aufenthaltszweck beim Au-Pair Visa

Das Au-Pair Visa soll grundsätzlich dazu dienen, dem Au-Pair das Kennenlernen der deutschen Kultur und der deutschen Sprache zu ermöglichen. Das Au-Pair muss z.B. die Möglichkeit haben, an einem Deutschkurs teilzunehmen. Hierzu muss die Gast-Familie sich an den Kosten für einen entsprechenden Kurs mit einem Betrag von 70 Euro pro Monat zu beteiligen. Bei einem Aufenthalt von 12 Monaten fallen also Gesamtkosten von 840 Euro für einen Deutschkurs auf Seiten der Gastfamilie an.


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