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All information about applying for a Schengen-Visa for shortterm stays in Germany

... what a Schengen visa is (tourist visa, business visa)

... under which conditions you can apply for a Schengen visa

... which documents are required to apply for a Schengen visa

... how the application process for a Schengen visa works


1. What is a Schengen-Visa?

The Schengen visa is a residence permit that allows you to enter and stay in Germany for a short period of time. As a rule, the Schengen visa is issued for up to 90 days. It can also be issued for a longer period, but this does not necessarily mean that a stay of more than 90 days is permitted. In this respect, a stay of up to 90 days in a period of 180 days is permitted, which either means that the applicant can choose the date of entry and arrival or that multiple entries and exits are possible (so-called multi-entry Schengen visa). 

Schengen visas can be issued for many different purposes. What almost all versions of the Schengen visa have in common, however, is that gainful employment (i.e. dependent employment in particular) is not permitted. In principle, the Schengen visa can also be applied for in order to carry out gainful employment (so-called hybrid visa), but this requires a special permit from the Federal Employment Agency. However, there are exceptions to this rule (e.g. for business trips (see below)).

In most cases, the Schengen visa is issued for one of the following purposes:


  • Tourism,

  • Visiting visas (e.g. family members),

  • Cultural and sporting events,

  • visits to trade fairs,

  • business trips.

Depending on the type of Schengen visa, other requirements must be met and other documents must be submitted to the embassy. 


Schengen visa for visits

Schengen visas are often issued to visit friends and family or for tourism purposes. However, you should first determine whether you need a Schengen visa for tourism purposes as a national of your country. For example, travelers from the USA and the United Kingdom are generally exempt from the visa requirement for visits and can stay in Germany without a Schengen visa. However, the passport requirement naturally also applies in these cases. You can find out whether nationals of your country require a Schengen visa to enter Germany in the overview of visa exemption provided by the Federal Foreign Office.

According to this, travelers from the following countries in particular need a Schengen visa if they want to visit relatives in Germany or go on vacation here:


  • Egypt

  • China

  • India

  • Iran

  • Qatar

  • Kosovo

  • Kuwait

  • Russia

  • Saudi Arabia

  • South Africa

  • Thailand

  • Turkey


If you come from one of these countries, you must apply for a Schengen visa at the relevant embassy. In principle, the embassy closest to your place of residence is responsible. You can find details on responsibility, the application process and the required documents on the homepage of the embassy responsible for you. A list of all German embassy websites can be found on the website of the Federal Foreign Office.


Schengen visa for work

The Schengen visa is often also used for short-term business trips (e.g. for formal meetings and trade fair visits). In principle, a national visa is required for such activities, as the Schengen visa does not generally permit the exercise of a profession in Germany. However, the legislator has created an exception for business trips (so-called non-employment fiction). However, it should be noted that these exceptions really only apply to business trips. If activities are carried out that no longer constitute a business trip but rather dependent employment, the limits of the business trip are exceeded. In this case, it is illegal work, which automatically makes the stay in Germany illegal. There is a risk of heavy fines and, in serious cases, a ban on entering Germany.

In principle, only the following activities may be carried out during a business trip:


  • Formal meetings and contract negotiations

  • Visits to trade fairs

  • Attending company training courses and seminars


In order to ensure that it really is still a business trip and not work, the Schengen visa application should be accompanied by an activity description or an invitation letter describing the planned work activities. The embassy will then use the description to check whether a special work permit is required or whether the business trip can be carried out with a normal Schengen visa. If in doubt, a lawyer specializing in immigration law can also advise you on this.

2. Requirements Schengen-Visa Germany

The requirements for the issue of a Schengen visa generally depend on the purpose of your stay. First of all, you must meet the general requirements for obtaining a visa, in particular you must have a valid passport. In addition, you must always be able to prove that you can support yourself in Germany. This includes, in particular, valid and recognized (travel) health insurance, proof of accommodation and sufficient money to finance yourself during your stay in Germany. In many countries, the embassies also require the applicant to prove that he or she will leave Germany again (so-called willingness to return). For example, a return flight ticket or similar proof is often required. In some countries (especially Pakistan), the embassies usually require additional proof, such as a valid employment contract in the country of origin. Finally, it is always a prerequisite that the visa application is "plausible" (i.e. credible). In Asian and African countries in particular, the Schengen visa is often used for illegal immigration, which is why the embassies here pay particular attention to the authenticity of documents and contradictions in the application. Even small errors in the documents can lead to a total blockade by the embassy staff, which in case of doubt can only be resolved by a German court with the help of a lawyer specializing in visa law.

3. Applying for a Schengen-Visa for Germany 2023

Responsibility for the issuance of Schengen visas

If you want to apply for a Schengen visa for Germany, you must first find out which embassies are responsible for your application. Under Schengen law, this basically depends on which country is your (final) destination. If there are several destinations, the main destination (i.e. the main focus of your stay) is decisive. If a main destination cannot be determined (e.g. for musicians on tour), the country in which you first enter the Schengen area is responsible.


Once you have determined which country is responsible for your application for a Schengen visa, you must find out which embassy authority is responsible for you. In most cases, this is the embassy in your country of origin that is closest to your place of residence. If you are not in your country of origin, the embassy of the country in which you reside is usually responsible (if you have a valid residence permit for this country). If you are already in the Schengen area as a third-country national, you can also apply for a Schengen visa in your country of residence. 

Documents required for a Schengen visa

You can usually find out which documents are required for your application on the homepage of the embassy responsible for you. The more closely you follow the instructions on the embassy's website, the sooner you can expect your application to be processed and approved.

Applying for a Schengen visa in Great Britain

In Great Britain, the responsibility of the German embassies depends on your place of residence. The jurisdiction boundaries when applying for a Schengen visa in the UK can be found on the Consular District Map of the German embassy.

The following documents are required to apply for a visa in Great Britain:


  • VIDEX form (Schengen),

  • valid passport,

  • Copy of the data page of the passport,

  • ID card and proof of residence (for third-country nationals: proof of a residence permit for Great Britain),

  • biometric passport photo,

  • booked return ticket,

  • travel health insurance,

  • hotel reservation,

  • Proof of financial means or declaration of commitment,

  • Employment contract (if available),

  • Invitation letter (if business trip).


You can find the VIDEX application form on the website of the Federal Foreign Office. The application must be completed and signed and then presented at the visa appointment. The external service provider TLScontact is responsible for booking appointments for Schengen visas in the UK. Appointments for Schengen visas in the UK cannot be booked at the embassy.


Costs and processing time

The costs and processing time vary greatly depending on the embassy and country. In the UK, it is currently very difficult to get an appointment to apply for a Schengen visa. As a rule, the visa should therefore be applied for six months before the start of the trip. Although it is possible to speed up the processing time with a lawyer specializing in migration law, the legal steps involved involve considerable financial expense. 

Remonstration and legal proceedings

As a rule, Schengen visas are granted if the application does not contain any significant errors. If the visa application is incorrect, it will be rejected by means of a refusal notice. In most cases, Schengen visas are rejected due to a lack of willingness to return (especially in Pakistan). It is also common for applicants to list activities in their employer's invitation letter for which a work permit is actually required (i.e. it is no longer a business trip). In these cases, the application is then rejected because the work permit in Germany has not been submitted.


If your application for a Schengen visa is rejected, you generally have one month to appeal against the rejection. Within this time, you must lodge a so-called remonstration. Your application will be reviewed again as part of the remonstration procedure. If the remonstration is also rejected, you can take legal action against the remonstration decision before the Berlin Administrative Court. As a rule, it is advisable to instruct a lawyer to carry out the remonstration procedure.

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