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Residence of Ukrainians in Germany


Here you can find out everything about the temporary protection of Ukrainians in Germany

Here you learn ...

  • in which cases temporary protection applies to Ukrainians

  • how to apply for a residence permit according to § 24 AufenthG in Berlin

  • whether you can get a Blue Card with the temporary protection

  • whether you can come to Germany from Poland with temporary protection



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Table of Content

1. Temporary protection for Ukrainians

2. Who can obtain a residence permit according to Section 24 of the Residence Act?

3. Temporary protection for Ukrainians in Berlin

3.1 Allocation decision LAF Berlin

3.2 Required documents for temporary protection

3.3 Rights and obligations with temporary protection (TPS)

4. Extension of temporary protection Ukraine

5. EU Blue Card with temporary protection Ukraine

6. With temporary protection from Poland to Germany

7. FAQ Ukraine


Residence situation for Ukrainians in Germany

The war in Ukraine has led to over a million Ukrainian nationals fleeing to Germany (see statista on Ukraine migration since February 2022 ). Many of them have received a residence permit under Section 24 of the Residence Act (so-called “ Temporary Protection (TPS”) ). This was originally granted until March 4, 2025. However, due to various decisions by EU states, temporary protection has been extended several times. But what does this mean in practice? Do Ukrainians have to extend their residence permit? What rights do they have in Germany? Can Ukrainians get an EU Blue Card? Is it possible to transfer temporary protection from Poland to Germany? You can find all the important information here.

1. Temporary protection for Ukrainians

Section 24 of the Residence Act is the German implementation of the EU Mass Influx Directive ( 2001/55/EC ). It enables refugees from Ukraine to be granted temporary protection status quickly and without red tape - without an individual asylum procedure. Temporary protection (TPS) in Germany is a consequence of the previous mass flight procedures. For example, the German migration administration was massively overwhelmed by the wave of refugees from Syria in 2015, so this time the administrative procedures were significantly simplified for Ukrainians.

2. Who can obtain a residence permit according to Section 24 of the Residence Act?

According to EU Directive 2001/55/EC and Section 24 of the Residence Act, Ukrainian nationals in particular can receive protection status if they lived in Ukraine before February 24, 2022 (or were resident there and were temporarily abroad (e.g. on vacation)). Stateless persons and third-country nationals who were refugees or under international protection in Ukraine can also invoke Section 24 of the Residence Act. In addition, temporary protection also applies to family members of these groups of people (spouses, children, parents, other close relatives).


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3. Temporary protection for Ukrainians in Berlin

In Berlin, Ukrainians apply for temporary protection online via the State Office for Immigration (LEA) . In other cities, Ukrainians must submit the application to the local immigration office. In Berlin, temporary protection can only be granted if you have already received an allocation decision from the State Office for Refugee Affairs (LAF) or another reception facility in Germany for distribution to Berlin. You must therefore obtain this allocation decision before contacting the State Office for Immigration.

3.1 Allocation decision LAF Berlin

The application for temporary protection can then be submitted with the allocation decision in the online portal of the State Office for Immigration . You will receive a PDF document as confirmation of your application. This certifies your permitted stay in the federal territory and your right to take up employment until the appointment for the interview. Once you have submitted your "online application for temporary protection", you will be sent an appointment for the interview by email. Due to the very high number of refugees from Ukraine, however, it may take some time before you receive the appointment. Please bring the completed "Application for a residence permit" and all the necessary documents with you to the appointment on site.

3.2 Required documents for temporary protection

The following documents are required to apply for temporary protection in Berlin:

If you are entering with your family, you must also submit birth certificates and a marriage certificate (if available).

3.3 Rights and obligations with temporary protection (TPS)

Persons with a residence permit according to § 24 AufenthG have extensive rights in Germany:

  • work permit and employment opportunities

  • family reunification (but without parental reunification)

  • applying for various social benefits

  • Traveling within the EU and possibly moving to other EU countries

Compared to other nationalities, Ukrainians are massively privileged in Germany. However, without fulfilling other requirements (e.g. a permanent employment contract), permanent residence in Germany is difficult. In particular, it is not possible to apply for naturalization with a residence permit in accordance with Section 24 of the Residence Act (see Section 10 Paragraph 1 Sentence 1 No. 2 of the StAG).

4. Extension of temporary protection Ukraine

The German Ukraine Residence Transitional Regulation ( UkraineAufenthÜV ) regulates the automatic extension of residence permits for Ukrainians. Residence permits under Section 24 of the Residence Act that were previously valid remain valid automatically. Since this regulation has already been extended several times, it can be assumed that this will continue to happen as long as Germany officially supports Ukraine in the war against Russia. Nevertheless, Ukrainians with temporary protection should endeavor to apply for a different residence permit ( change of purpose ) in order to no longer be dependent on the political decisions of the German government. A residence permit for employment purposes (e.g. Section 18b of the Residence Act) is particularly suitable for a change.

5. EU Blue Card with temporary protection Ukraine

Many Ukrainian citizens who fled to Germany because of the war are wondering whether they can apply for an EU Blue Card despite their temporary protection status under Section 24 of the Residence Act (AufenthG). In principle, the Residence Act excludes this possibility, as holders of a humanitarian residence permit cannot obtain a Blue Card under Section 19f Paragraph 2 of the Residence Act . However, in response to the war in Ukraine, the German authorities have developed a pragmatic solution that is in line with German government guidelines (see BMI letter dated March 14, 2022 ). In Berlin, the State Office for Immigration (LEA) enables the EU Blue Card to be issued if the applicant waives the application under Section 24 of the Residence Act . The LEA provides a special form for this process, which must be submitted with the application. Another solution that is often chosen is the "detour" via another paragraph (e.g. § 18b AufenthG) , which is then used as the basis for an application for a Blue Card EU. It is important to note that this regulation does not apply nationwide. Other immigration authorities in Germany may deviate from this practice and often reject applications for the Blue Card EU with § 24 AufenthG.


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6. With temporary protection from Poland to Germany

Many people wonder whether Ukrainians with temporary protection status who are staying in other EU member states (e.g. Poland) are allowed to come to Germany to apply for a residence permit. According to the administrative instructions of the State Office for Immigration (LEA) , this is possible, as Ukrainians (who have protection status in another country) are also allowed to enter the country for long-term purposes without a visa. It should be noted, however, that this option is quite risky . In this case, some authorities in Germany require that the protection status in the other EU country (e.g. Poland) be given up. It is also argued that visa-free entry for long-term stays by Ukrainians contradicts the spirit and purpose of temporary protection. In this respect, temporary protection for Ukrainians is not intended to enable visa-free entry for work purposes for Ukrainians, but merely humanitarian stays.

7. FAQ

Is it still possible to apply for a visa in Kyiv?

No, since the outbreak of war the German embassy in Kyiv no longer processes visa applications.

As a Ukrainian, can I apply for a visa in Poland?

Yes, the embassy in Warsaw has been responsible for visa applications from Ukraine since the outbreak of war.

How long does it take to obtain a residence permit for Ukrainians in Berlin?

If an electronic residence permit needs to be issued, the application process for a residence permit in Berlin currently takes about 5 to 6 weeks.

How much does it cost to obtain a residence permit for temporary protection in Berlin?
The granting of a residence permit for temporary protection is free of charge.

Can I travel in the EU with Section 24 of the Residence Act?

Yes, short trips within the EU are possible without a visa, but a longer stay requires registration in the destination country. It should also be noted that border officials may refuse entry without a valid residence permit (although this is often illegal).

How do I know if the temporary protection will be extended further?

The EU announces on its homepage whether a further extension decision has been made. Most recently, the temporary protection was extended until March 4, 2026 (see EU Decision 2024/1836 ).

Summary of this Page

On this page, you learned about the special rights that apply to Ukrainian nationals in Germany if they can invoke the Mass Influx Directive (Temporary Protection (TPS)). This is the case if there was a stay in Ukraine (or a residence there) on February 24, 2022. This page also explains when Ukrainians can apply for an EU Blue Card and when people with temporary protection in Poland can come to Germany to apply for a residence permit here.

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