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Image by Giammarco Boscaro

VISAGUARD case law database


List of the most important judgements in migration law for lawyers, journalists and those seeking legal advice

Case law on the right of residence

Visa and residence law is largely characterised by the case law of the European and national courts. At the top of the court hierarchy is the European Court of Justice, which monitors compliance with European laws (in particular the Free Movement Directive, the Schengen Agreement and the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)). At national level, the highest court (apart from the Federal Constitutional Court) is the Federal Administrative Court (BVerwG), which is the court of last resort in disputes over the granting of visas and residence permits. Also relevant are the highest administrative courts of the federal states (e.g. the Higher Administrative Court of Berlin-Brandenburg). Finally, the Administrative Court of Berlin (VG Berlin) also plays a significant role in migration jurisdiction, as it is the court of the seat of the Federal Foreign Office (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and is responsible for all legal actions against embassies. The VG Berlin is also of considerable importance due to the fact that most foreigners in Germany live in Berlin and the immigration authority in Berlin (Landesamt für Einwanderung (LEA)) is the largest immigration authority in Berlin.


On this page you will find a collection of the most important judgements of the courts mentioned. The core statement of each judgement is summarised in a single sentence in order to make the decisions understandable for laypersons. The judgments have been selected and summarised by lawyers and specialist lawyers from Berlin who specialise in labour and labour migration law. The decisive criterion for the selection is the practical relevance of the judgements, which is why the statements are presented as abstractly and independently of individual cases as possible. 


The VISAGUARD case law database is continuously updated in the day-to-day work of the lawyers involved and grows with every judgement that the cooperating lawyers obtain in labour migration law. 



In addition to the VISAGUARD case law database, you can also use the databases of the respective courts to search for judgements:



  • Judgement search of the Federal Constitutional Court (BVerfG)

  • Judgement search of the Federal Administrative Court (BVerwG)

  • Database of judgements of the OVG Berlin-Brandenburg

  • Judgement database of the Berlin Administrative Court (VG Berlin)

If you have any questions or comments about the VISAGUARD case law database, please feel free to contact us at

Table of Content


The judgement database is sorted according to a commentary system by law and within the laws by the respective paragraph. 


The case law collection includes the following laws:


Part A: Judgements on residence law (AufenthG, AufenthV)

Part B: Judgements on employment migration law/labour migration law (BeschV, ARB 1/80, Vander-Elst)

Part C: Judgements on nationality law (StAG)

Part D: Judgements on the right to freedom of movement (FreizügG/EU)

Part E: Judgements on expat law (KSchG, ArbZG, BUrlG, AGG)

Part F: Judgements on public labour law (AÜG, AEntG)

Part G: Judgements on administrative procedural law (VwGO, VwVfG)

Part A - Judgements on residence law (AufenthG, AufenthV)

Below you will find all important judgements on residence law (aliens law/ migration law/ visa law/ immigration law/ immigration law):

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